Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Here I am in Petawawa at stephanie's computer speed typing and it is going to be transmitted even though I am not at home. The mystery is how can I do this.


SusanE said...

But here is the big mystery...

When you typed the letter on the keyboard, the it appear on the screen immediately or was there a delay.

I have an idea type the word "yellow" and blink when it appears on your screen.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

hey gryper - technology is a wonderful thing. Fortunately for simple men such as Homee Dad understanding the why is not required to know the how.

If the why was always required to participate where would we be today.

Knowing how something is and being able to use that knowledge has got me through quite well. If I was stuck on the HOW it may have been another story.

How do I know this you ask?

Don't know !

Homee Dad

The Lexiphage said...

How: The blogs you type are not stored on your computer, they are stored on a computer at your ISP's place. Kind of creepy, how you can put so much personal crud on there and it's never really in YOUR computer (entirely, anyway) but at least you could never lose it if, for example, your house burned down.
Kind of depressing to know that if you and your house are bombed to smithereens, the only thing left would be some junk on the internet...