Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Here I am in Petawawa at stephanie's computer speed typing and it is going to be transmitted even though I am not at home. The mystery is how can I do this.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This AM I woke early, sneaked out of bed and came to rhe computer I then realised that I didn't have my glasses, they were in the bedroom. Being the nice guy I am, I put on Mrs.G's glasses. With them on my left eye is pretty good but my right is blurry and I keep hitting the wrong keys then have to correct the mistakes.This got me thinking about related thing.

HOW COME if somebody doesn't have their glasses on and can't SEE something that you point out, then you will say it's OK because he doesn't have his glasses on.

HOW COME if somebody has a hearing problem then it is assumed that he is STUPID.

HOW COME they then say things like "HOW COME you heared the rain falling but didn't hear me" or HOW COME you asked me to repeat that, then you answered me while I was repeating it. etc.etc.

Sometimes it is because the first few words were missed then, when they are repeated the whole thing makes sense. HOW COME I then think that you must be STUPID for not speaking up in the first place.

HOW COME it is OK to be blind but it is not OK to be deaf?

HOW COME Helen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, is credited with saying it is worse to be deaf than blind?

Was she also STUPID?