Sunday, April 30, 2006

yesterday I went down on the doc. as one might say. It was a grand experience.
while attempting get results, I stood on the doc. and started to push the thing, but a piece of wood was in the way and it wouldn't cooperate. Finally I grabbed a paddle and tried to push the damn thing out in doing that I put a lot of weight on it and lost my balance and fell right in. It was surprisingly cold. I managed to rapidly get back out with only getting wet and somewhat embarassed. Those who were helping me with it, stood around laughing hysterically. Being as courageous as I am, I took my clothes off and tried again but almost fell in again. Ken was trying to warn me but I didn't realise what he was saying at the time.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

at 10.25 I sent a message to all you critics who have been sitting at your machines waiting with baited breath to hear from me. It is now 11.24 and nobody has taken the trouble to reply.
Well this is me out of here. I knew this would happen, I waste my valuable time for nought.
To add insult to injury, even the clock in the computor is arguing with me.
you got the real mccoy this time. i looked at megan's site and am vaguely impressed with blogs, but it is still a waste of time. lost time can never be found!!!!! but enjoy yourself anyway.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Enough already!!

You were told to go away. You weren't told to leave comments. Quit wasting time. I'm going to watch "How It's Made" ... you should do something intelligent too.