Tuesday, May 30, 2006

As usual trying to create this required 4 trys just to get to this point. Computers eh !! go figure.
As you all know I was at a wedding and had a great time, This is history to most of you but to me doing this take time and just finding time to waste is my problem. It's easy for the rest of you.
The best part of the wedding of course was the M.C. or should that be mc, I don't know. M.C. sounds kind of importent, mc sounds like a small Irishman, or, should that be Scotsman. I don,t know. BUT on the other hand, I didn't say Scotchman. Anyway, back to the M.C. , he was great, I was particularly impressed with the way he over came sudden unexpected changes to the planned events, he did it so well that none of the lesser people even noticed.
The bestman did a good job with his speech and toast especially considering the fact that he had never even been to a wedding before.
Nick the usher was good with his inpromtue toast to the bridesmaids. He then read a poem which he had resently wrote for the occasion, ( boy the speling& grammer really sucks in this) it was good but, considering the fact that he had a mic in front of him, he actually whispered the poem.
Did I mention how great the M.C. was?

Oh, by the way the groom looked good PLUS he actually spoke.

The bride was beautiful.

As you know, all this flowery stuff is NOT in keeping with mrgryper's roll.

Finally I must say how impressed I was with the M.C.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Go away ... I'm busy!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006 http://tcain.blogspot.com/

"Hopefully things will fall into pieces nicely, but its nice to know that I know have a degree and can start a career in the field that I want. Well I just have to get hired that is."

Because of Thomas' snide remarks re: broke back etc, I decided to look at what the educated have hidden in their closets.

things fall into "PLACE" is good....... things fall to "PIECES" is bad.

Somuch for high price education!!!!!