Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well Mrsgryper still isn't gryping too much. Her eye is doing well but sleep deprivation is her constant companion. If you would like to experience it, try keeping your face down 24 hrs a day.
Your back aches and you keep waking up through the night.

She is doing very well though and at the 10000 mile inspection the Dr, was happy with how things are going. He reduced the number of different eye drops from 3 to 1 bottle. So we have 2 bottles of eye drops for sale at a good price if anybody is interested

On the more serious side, when the person known as Widget pressed me into becoming a "Blogger", got me started I was assured that this was the thing to do. I resisted at first but like all addicts I got sucked in. I watched various bloggers stories then finally got interested in following them. Most of the ones I have on that memory thing on the right side of my screen have something to say BUT one guy named Homee Dad has apparently fallen of the end of his dock. I told him long ago that when he is near water, he should wear a PFC but no he wouldn't listen.

Well that's the best I can do to retain my title. ---goodbye.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Well as most of you know Mrs. Gryper, who does not grype, had her eye operation on Wed. we were expecting all kinds of pain and suffering to go along with it. To our surprise she had none, all the gloom sayers will probably be somewhat disapointed to hear that.

On Thur. she went for her 1000 mile inspection and the Dr. was very pleased with the results, not sure if he was happy with how great he is or just how well her eye was.

The biggest problem is not the eye but the agony she has to go through in keeping her face horizontal facing down. I decided to try to match her by doing the same, I can tell you it hurts like hell. I cheated though because I slept laying on my back. The Dr. has said that she has to do it for 10 days the independent experts have read up on it and say 2 or 3 weeks, just to make her feel better I suppose.

I admire her stamina and fortitude in keeping well with-in the limits, which are 22 hrs of 24hrs. she has only lifted her head for probably a total of 2hrs since the operation. We rented a special chair to help out and I made a head craddle which she can lay face down on the bed and wstch T.V. which is on the floor.

This coming Wed. she goes for her 10000 mile inspection, hopefully the Dr. will give her time off for good behaviour.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Yesterday was family reunion day. I knew of population explosion but had never actually viewed it before. I was late arriving but as we drove into the site of a personal example of it I was stunned at the sight of this mass of humanity which I was partially guilty of creating.

It wasn't all my fault though because I had the help of my siblings, therefore it is my Dad's fault,
This hoard of bodies was only part of his explosion because many were not in attendence for various and suspicious reasons. He created the problem, OR was it my grandad, after all there were other branches missing from the tree. OR was it-- oh forget it.

After viewing this writhing mob for a minute or so, I got out of the truck and headed up to join in. I took my video camera and scanned the group as I approached thinking this must be all recorded. After about 2 quick conversatoins I put the camera down for a minute then in the confusion I forgot to pick it up again SO no video recording took place.

It was great fun seeing the intermingling of everybody even though nobody knew everybody they were all related and making new friends. As a sidebar, Nick later complained that he wasn,t INTRODUCED to everybody, like he needs an intro to get started, Anyway he did fine on his own. The whole day was a great event enjoyed by all.

The only problem I had was that I couldn't find something to grype about. Woe is me.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

So we went to Newfoundland with K&W had a great time inspite of Halifax airport. We drove to the airport from home, K&W flew there. We scouted the place to see where to pick them up but couldn't see a passenger pick up SO when they arrived and phoned we said at the park & fly post. As we approached the post, a commissionare stops all the traffic to allow people to go to the parking lot we were about 6 cars back and right near the post. As K&W approaach the truck the truck a 2nd commossionare rushes over and says "no loading here" we ask "where do we pickup" he replies "no loading here" we say "where can we load" he replies " no loading here" then on his shoulder mike he calls in my license number. I figure that we have been found guilty so I say "get in" which they did . we then sat & waited for another minute before the first guy lets traffic go. I now was expecting that we would get a ticket when we got home. We didn't hold up traffic, they apparently don't have a designated pickup area but have some illiterate knuckle dragger who's vocabulary is limited to "no loading here" as the only source of information.

I was pissed about it for the next 2 weeks, we didn't get a ticket when we got home and the illiterate knuckle dragger won.

We went up & down the west coast seeing great sights, meeting great people, some of whom T&T had met before. Had some rain & fog, and just had fun. Along the the way K got to drive tent pegs into rocky ground many times, which was fun to witness but the language was shocking. We ate lots of fresh cod ( pronounced Cad ) andfresh scall0ps .

We drove east toward St John's and up to Twillingate then to Herring Neck where we knew that a couple from N.Y. we had met while waiting to board the ferry, were going to stay. They had a sailboat and told us they were going to sail it there even though they had never sailed before.
we found the sailboat sitting on its trailer on a hill. End of story. We speculate that he talked her into believng that was the intention BUT he drowned her, sold the boat, collected the insurance and is living under an assumed name in Mexico.

While in the area we went to mortens harbour and to the ferry dock to Fogo.
SO Fogo, Twillingate, Mortens Harbour all around the circle.

After our detective work at Herring Neck, we continued on to St John's and toured there then took K&W to the uneventful St John's airport.

We then visited friends that we met on our previous trip to N.L. and back home.

At home we found no bill from Halifax airport SO no point in writing to N.S. tourism and the illiterate knuckle dragger wins.
