Sunday, July 23, 2006

Well as most of you know Mrs. Gryper, who does not grype, had her eye operation on Wed. we were expecting all kinds of pain and suffering to go along with it. To our surprise she had none, all the gloom sayers will probably be somewhat disapointed to hear that.

On Thur. she went for her 1000 mile inspection and the Dr. was very pleased with the results, not sure if he was happy with how great he is or just how well her eye was.

The biggest problem is not the eye but the agony she has to go through in keeping her face horizontal facing down. I decided to try to match her by doing the same, I can tell you it hurts like hell. I cheated though because I slept laying on my back. The Dr. has said that she has to do it for 10 days the independent experts have read up on it and say 2 or 3 weeks, just to make her feel better I suppose.

I admire her stamina and fortitude in keeping well with-in the limits, which are 22 hrs of 24hrs. she has only lifted her head for probably a total of 2hrs since the operation. We rented a special chair to help out and I made a head craddle which she can lay face down on the bed and wstch T.V. which is on the floor.

This coming Wed. she goes for her 10000 mile inspection, hopefully the Dr. will give her time off for good behaviour.


Cherylinn said...

That's my mom.....keep up the good work. Remember mom - nagging and nagging.

Jojo said...

I saw Mum yesterday. She is doing amazingly well. Gryper's coping too! They both are suffering from cabin fever, not used to staying home for so long never mind the horizontal facing down. Hopefully the surgeon will cut them both loose on Wednesday.

Fiddling Granny said...

Mum comes from good stock .... no wimpy genes there!

Hopefully when she can finally look up, she won't get stiff from the "new" position!

SusanE said...

I bet she gets motion sick the first time she lifts her head.

You're a tough one Mum. Dad, you're a sweet partner.

The Lexiphage said...

Good luck to Grandma... if she doesn't get a fair shake from the doctor I'll go break his legs for you.