Sunday, July 16, 2006

Yesterday was family reunion day. I knew of population explosion but had never actually viewed it before. I was late arriving but as we drove into the site of a personal example of it I was stunned at the sight of this mass of humanity which I was partially guilty of creating.

It wasn't all my fault though because I had the help of my siblings, therefore it is my Dad's fault,
This hoard of bodies was only part of his explosion because many were not in attendence for various and suspicious reasons. He created the problem, OR was it my grandad, after all there were other branches missing from the tree. OR was it-- oh forget it.

After viewing this writhing mob for a minute or so, I got out of the truck and headed up to join in. I took my video camera and scanned the group as I approached thinking this must be all recorded. After about 2 quick conversatoins I put the camera down for a minute then in the confusion I forgot to pick it up again SO no video recording took place.

It was great fun seeing the intermingling of everybody even though nobody knew everybody they were all related and making new friends. As a sidebar, Nick later complained that he wasn,t INTRODUCED to everybody, like he needs an intro to get started, Anyway he did fine on his own. The whole day was a great event enjoyed by all.

The only problem I had was that I couldn't find something to grype about. Woe is me.


Fiddling Granny said...
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Fiddling Granny said...

You're just like all the rest .... blame it on the parents!

"It wasn't all my fault though because I had the help of my siblings, therefore it is my Dad's fault"

(Cool, I tested the delete the comment thing and it reaally does work.)

SusanE said...

It was a great party. Laurence always says I have ADHD at Evenden functions. He trys to speak to me and I'm focused for about 15 seconds then I take off to do something else.

I think I fit nicely into the family where selective ADHD is the norm.