Monday, October 16, 2006

Today I received a message from Homee Dad, in it he claimed that I, of all people, admitted that Nick had outsmarted me. I appogize if I created that impression. I was mearly trying to point out that Nick couldn't follow instructions, no matter how specific they are. Based on some minor technicalities he jumped to the conclusion that I had faked a letter. He apparently, having had so much involvement with police now thinks like them. I hope that clears up the matter and clears my good name so that I can sleep tonight.


Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Yor name is always good - its the mind that is beginning to fail. There is no doubt what happened, just those who cannot see !

Nick - 1 Gryper - 0

Homee dad

Cherylinn said...

You got him Homee!