Sunday, October 15, 2006

The preceding message was done from memory of a literary masterpiece which I wrote last week and somehow sucessfully lost sending instead a blank message which 4, count them 4 people commented on, imagine four commenting on nothing.


Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Hey Gryper - thanks for the welcome back. But I point out your last blog minus the one you had to admit being beaten by Nick was Sept 12th????

What about the pumkins - care to take up the challange?

Homee Dad

Mr Gryper said...

I considered the pumpppkin thing but our back yard you may recall is much smaller than yours. My problem is that if I were to partisipate, mine would be so much bigger than others that we would not have room in the yard for anything else and it would be unfair to the rest of you. Saddly therefore I feel that in fairness I must decline the offer.