Thursday, August 31, 2006

So myself reread myself's last blog and realized that myself had misspelled the word "loogie" , everybody knows that it is "loogie and not loogis" myself appologizes for that but the keyboard designer put the E and S too close together.

Now on to "myself". Myself finds it irritating that " I , me , mine " have become obsolete in present day speech but myself, wanting to get with the program have decided that myself must conform, and use myself incorrectly like everybody else. Myself must admit that it will be difficult to get used to it.

Instead of saying " my friend and I went to this place" myself will say " myself's friend and myself went to this place". Myself finds that difficult but myself will continue to work at it. Oh by the way, myself's friend and myself didn't actually go to this place, that was just an example that myself wanted to use.

The irritating part of this new conformation to myself is that it appears to myself that the old way seems easier to say and it uses fewer letters to say the same thing. Myself now think that with a little effort myself willl get the hang of it, then myself will be like others and myself probably won't notice that myself's friends, myself's relatives and myself's aquantanses, (myself am so confused now that myself can't spell it) are saying myself in place of I, ME, MINE.

To hell with it myself, excuse myself, I think that I will revert to using the old fashion words, I feel more comfortable with them.


SusanE said...

Me, myself and I compliment you on your preference for the Queen's English.

As for myself.... I mean.... er... ah As things pertain to me. I will continue to struggle with correct usage of "I" and "me" in everyday sentence.

"Laurence and I went kayaking." or
"You gave that to Laurence and me."

Cherylinn said...

Wow, what can I (yes I) say other than I will continue to use the word I and not myself. It's very difficult to say and read. So now I will head off to work.

Fiddling Granny said...

Myself has read your blog, but it seems that myself doesn't understand the problem that yourself is addressing. If otherselves have read it, perhaps theirselves could clarify it for myself.

Mr Gryper said...

myself have acknowleged where yourself is going, whatever or wherever going means which is another topic myself could deal with, BUT myself must stick to my original decision that I won't say myself in place of good old I,me, my and of course mine.