Sunday, November 25, 2007


I hate wet, cold and snow.

I thought that I could depend on global warming so I didn't take the hose in and I didn,t empty my rain barrels when the damn cold and snow sneaked in.

I collect rain water to wash my beloved Ram for two reasons first you can't wash vehicles with town water because of restrictions and second rain water doesn't leave marks after it dries.

Well the weather sneaked in and froze my barrels, the hose into my pressure washer and the garden hose then buried them in snow so that today's sun couldn't warm them up.

So I had to shovel snow off the back deck to hopefully let the sun warm things up enough to drain the hose to the washer then empty the barrels.

I hope that I can get it done tomorrow, where is global warming when you need it?


SusanE said...

It's not "global warming" anymore. It's "climate change". That means you can't count on the weather anymore because it's changing all the time.....

hmmm how is that different from before.

Cherylinn said...

Don't count on today, the sun isn't going to shine. Just think yesterday they were calling for rain and we got heavy thick snow. Go figure that one.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Hey Gryper: really sorry to hear about your barrels and garden hose, especially if you were planning on washing the Ram one more time.

The water in the barrel right now may leave marks if you were to throw it at the Ram.

Nice to see NewMarket is joining the green world, conserving water and such.

Hey if you melt the snow could you use that - or would it leave marks?? ( just a thought ).

PS. I still call it Global Warming also. After all Al Gore made a bundle on the word ( didn't he?)

Homee dad