Saturday, March 10, 2007

Home at last

This is the final day at WDW, we packed up and left the next day with tornado warnings on TV once again. They have been frequent this year which makes snow a little more attractive.

We drove north to a KOA near Atlanta where we usually stop at when heading north. The next day to Florence KY, in a Super 8 where it was around Freezing outside,( tornado warnings don't seem like a big deal now that cold is coming) and next day got home at around 6.30PM. The driveway was clear and parking was easy, everything is good, That was Sunday and not TOO bad, and we missed the tornadoes.

Monday the bloody wind and drifting snow started and something went wrong with our thermometer because it's reading ridiculously cold numbers outside. On 400 cars and trucks are crashing into each other, roads are closed, people can't go any place because of drifting snow. Tuesday we have to go to base borden, 400 is still closed so we have to use back roads. It's as cold as a whore's heart, my truck is dirty, I'm freezing and wearing a ton of clothes. (tornado warnings don't seem so bad any more)

This is a week later, I'm now getting used to misery because it isn't quite as cold (I guess) but my truck is still dirty, the roads are rough and dirty, the sun hardly ever shines here while I know it is in WDW .

On the plus side I am back to eating real food instead of Good old U.S. cardboard food from which they first remove the taste, and I don't hear every day the constant brain washing about how great America is, which by the way means USA not the rest of North America..... Huh?

The truth is I am happy to be back in CANADA the best country in the world EH!!


Fiddling Granny said...

Today it is supposed to be sunny and 6C ... there's NOTHING as exciting as the early spring in Canada. Hanging pails on the maple trees today will wipe thoughts WDW, tornadoes and propaganda right out of your head.

Cherylinn said...

The sun is shining, the sky is bright blue with no clouds visible. John and I sat on the back porch and drank our tea, while listening to the snow melt and drain off the roof of the house. It's so SAD...I'm not ready. It can't leave us.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Hey gryper - glad to see you made it through without experiencing any tornadoes. After all nothing could be worse than waking up and realizing your no longer in Kansas.

Reading your message, I stood at attention while humming our national anthem. In my minds eye I was at the Air Canada Centre while the leafs were repeating their 1967 victory all over again!!

Great to be Canadian!!!

Go leafs Go

Homee Dad

Mr Gryper said...

Homee dad, for your edification, in 1967 the leafs didn't play in the Air Canada Centre and they hardly play there now.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Gryper - I was well aware of the fact the ACC did not exist, the Gardens was the place to be in 1967.

Having said that I applaud your ability to focus on the message and correct us wondering soles.

In relation to your comment about the Leafs hardly playing there - check past blogs as Cherylynn and I have a date when the Leafs make it to the finals at the ACC this year!

When they make it I may just spring for your ticket - of course you may need to sit between us as we wouldn't want you wandering?

Until then hang in there - Have you replaced that carpet in the bedroom yet??

Homee Dad


Good to see you back you older fuker

The Lexiphage said...

Welcome home, Gryper... the country has been far too congenial while you've been gone. We'll try and make sure the weather improves so you don't miss the tornadoes too much.